
Giving is part of our worship of God, to be done thoughtfully, joyfully and sacrificially. The Bible tells us everything we have, including our money, is a gift from God.

If you’d like to give towards supporting the ministry of Emmanuel, here are some ways you can do so.


One off gifts

If you’d like to give online, we have a site at where you can donate one-off amounts.

We also have a secure donations box in our foyer where cheque and cash gifts can be left. The donations box is emptied after every service.

Regular giving.

If you’d like to give regularly to support Emmanuel, setting up a standing order is an easy way to do this. Our bank details are:

Account name: Great Chesham PCC - Emmanuel DCC
Sort Code: 52-21-27
Account number: 06889948


If you have questions about giving, please contact our Treasurer, Ian.