We want to know Jesus and make him known in Chesham and the world.

The purpose of our human existence is to bring glory to God and enjoy his friendship.

We meet as a church to worship God together through Christ by His Spirit, so that we may be better able to worship Him in every aspect of our lives.

Our worship of God is expressed by a passionate commitment to…

The Bible as the Word of God.


The Bible is the means by which God shows us how to worship Him through Jesus Christ. It is our final authority in all matters of faith and conduct. Bible teaching is at the centre of everything that we do.

Personal and corporate prayer.


God has ordained prayer as his means to recognise our dependence, to strengthen our faith in Him and involve us in His work. Therefore prayer underpins everything that we do.

Local and global mission.


God commands us to make known the good news of Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour by word and deed.

Wise stewardship of God’s world.


Everything belongs to God, so we encourage cheerful and generous giving; engagement with issues of social justice; and the responsible use of His resources.

Living as the family of God.


With the help of the Holy Spirit, we seek to nurture the growth of people of all ages, backgrounds and life situations, in godliness and holy living. We aim to love one another and share each other’s joys and sorrows.

We are Christian.

As a Christian church, we at Emmanuel are unashamedly passionate about Jesus, having discovered that through Jesus Christ, God the Father has made himself known to his world in a wonderfully clear and unique way. It is as we encounter Jesus and place our trust in his death for our sins that we can truly know our heavenly Father and live in a life-changing relationship with the God who made us and loves us.

We are Evangelical.

As an evangelical church we are also passionate about the Bible. As the word of God, we have found it to be a trustworthy foundation for our lives and a reliable authority for how we should think, speak and act. We therefore long for everything we do as a church to be shaped by its truth. We are also committed to sharing the Bible’s message of rescue and hope through Jesus with others in our community and beyond.

We are Anglican.

As an Anglican church, we enthusiastically stand with the great Anglican reformers of the 16th century, whose many great rediscoveries include the liberating truth that God’s love and forgiveness can never be earned, but simply received as a free and undeserved gift. We respect the evangelical heritage of other denominations and are a congregation made up of people from different backgrounds.

 We have adopted the basis of faith and declarations from the Church of England Evangelical Council.

We have adopted the ReNew Agenda, as a commitment to pioneer, establish and secure gospel churches.